
Discover One-of-a-Kind Coaching That Leaves a Lasting Impression

Explore exceptional coaching services tailored to meet the unique needs of your profession. Benefit from our industry expertise and innovative strategies to drive confidence, growth, and success.

Ways to Improve Your Skills In-Person or Virtually with AMM Communications Coach


Participate in a scheduled workshop.
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Individual Coaching

Work with AMM Communications Coach to achieve your communications goals.
Packages available

Team Coaching

Ask AMM Communications Coach to develop a custom workshop for your organization or business.
Custom rates available


Public Speaking (including Keynote Speeches) and Professional Presentations

Your confidence and ability to connect with an audience has so many benefits, ranging from advancing your career, to raising awareness of issues and influencing people to change, to building your professional credibility.  Being a good speaker and presenter doesn’t just happen naturally.  AMM Communications Coach will help you learn a framework that will allow you to develop powerful talks and build and practice the delivery skills you need to be an impactful speaker.


Using Storytelling to Enhance Your Message

Sharing stories helps build trust with audiences and makes your content more memorable. Whether you are delivering a speech, testifying in front of a legislative body or doing a media interview, sharing a story can make your message more powerful. AMM Communications Coach will help you learn how to develop and share stories with a framework that makes stories come alive and connect with audiences.  


Media Interviews

Getting interviewed by the media can be challenging even with friendly interviews. Whether you are being interviewed by a print, digital, radio or television reporter, knowing how to prepare prior to the interview and deliver your best during the interview is critical. AMM Communications Coach can help you learn how to frame messages, connect with the audience, deal with tough questions and handle crises with confidence. 


Planning, Facilitating and Serving on Panel Discussions

Panel discussions can help effectively bring experts from various fields together to share their knowledge and insights. Excellent panels just don’t happen.  When you are planning and facilitating a panel, AMM Communications Coach can help you learn to identify the best panelists for your subject matter, ensure panelists are delivering what matters to the audience, and get the skills to effectively manage a panel to make it a winning session. Serving on a panel? We will help you build skills to be an effective, confident panelist that rises above the rest. 


Legislative Committee/Policy Making Body Testimony

Your expertise in a certain area may mean that you are required to speak to elected officials and other policy making bodies. Learn how to prepare for these situations by learning skills that build relationships with elected officials, make your area of expertise understandable,  and ensure that your ask or recommendations are clearly heard.


Job Interviews

A job interview is often the make or break moment for hiring decisions. Not only does it allow you to highlight your qualifications and job experience, but it also serves as an assessment to see if you fit within the interviewer’s office culture. AMM Communications Coach offers a series of tools and practice sessions to help you perform your best and get the job that you want. 


Graduate School and Residency Interviews

Taking your next step to attend graduate school or get a medical residency can be daunting. Performance in interviews and overall communications skills is an important next step in getting into the undergraduate and graduate school program or medical residency of your choice.   Learn how to prepare for these interviews by creating powerful stories and messages, practicing answers to tough questions and honing your delivery skills so you move on to achieve your important educational goals.  


Improving Internal Communications

An effective and positive flow of information is critical to an organization’s success, employee morale and managing change and challenging situations.  Whether it’s designing an internal communications plan, coaching individual team members, hosting a workshop or coaching your team members on how to improve their communications skills, AMM Communications Coach can help your organization improve internal communication.